Greeting my people, I am Tre LaGrone III. I am a student athlete here at the University of Nevada Las Vegas. I have now been living here for around 6 months. So far, I can rate my experience here as an 8 out of 10 there have been lot of up and downs but I feel like I have learned so much about myself as not just a ball player but as a human. I have met many new people and gained a few friends in the process. With baseball being now the most important piece of my life now I can truly say that I am just now starting to get more comfortable with saying that out loud.
I can honestly say if you were to have asked a 15-year-old Tre LaGrone if he would be a division 1 athlete in 3 years, he would 100% have said yes without a doubt. But if you would have said a division 1 baseball player, he would have stared at you with a very odd look on his face. I was born and raised in Reno Nevada my parents who are both from California met there in college. Dad was a football player mom was a basketball player so sports have always been a part of me and my younger brothers lives. I come from a very football and basketball heavy background so those were the two sports I loved most. My love for baseball didn’t come until a lot later.

My family has been with me every step of this journey from Boys n girls club basketball, to SYFL football. and little league baseball. I have many uncles’ aunts and younger cousins I am the second oldest of about 17 grandkids ranging from 19 years old – 6 months old. I have always had God given gifts and talents but it wasn’t always easy for me to understand the grind. But my parents never made feel like I needed to do sports it was always something I have loved and wanted to do. They were always what I call the bumpers to my lane.
My life outside of sports has become a lot more nonexistent you can say now that I have been in college. I have my main few friends back home that I can always talk to and just know we will be good with no matter how long we may not speak to or see each other for especially after seeing someone every single day for years moving here defiantly took some getting used too. I now often find myself playing video games or just listening to music alone or with few friends. I love going out to eat and going to the mall. and I have now more recently found myself getting more into fashion which has never really been my thing but I enjoy having good outfits just in case. Otherwise, you can find me in sweats and a hoodie. I have now even more recently started to stream on twitch it I just of me playing video games but I am just mostly using it to get better with my camera work.
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